Procurement award notice

Contract Award awarded by the Procurement & Logistic Unit.

Tenders on Offer

Lutheran World Federation Kenya Somalia Program  is

  1. Requesting for Quotation for  Construction Of Host Community VIP Latrine (5#) Communal and Latrines (12#) as per the TOR and Technical Specifications / BOQ herein attached
  2. Requesting for Quotation for the Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 30KW Power grid solar system at CBRC Dhobley, 10KW at  JTTC and 10KW at Women Centre solar systems as per the attached TOR
  3. Requesting for proposal for the supply and installation of CCTV surveillance and Biometric Access Control System as per the attached TOR
  4. Requesting for proposal for the evaluation consultancy service for ambitious youth project as per the attached TOR
  5. Requesting for proposal for the Provision of Consultancy Services – End-Line Evaluation, for Advancing Refugee Inclusive School Education in the East and Horn of Africa – ARISE Project. (South Sudan, Somalia, Kenya) as per the attached TOR
  6. Requesting to float for DMO Kitchen Renovations and Improvement works as per the attached Design description ,TOR & BOQ
  7. Requesting to float for Decommissioning of damaged community latrines and salvaging of reusable materials  as per the attached BOQ and TOR 

Interested individuals should submit their proposal as indicated on the Terms of Reference



The Procurement Committee, Lutheran World Federation Kenya-Djibouti,

Closing date is as per the attached tender documents

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted

Any form of canvassing shall lead to automatic disqualification of the tender.

Friday, February 21, 2025 - 20:45