LWF responds to water scarcity as drought ravages communities in Turkana West

Community members at Nanaam village drawing clean water from the water truck

“We walk 40km to get water, there is no food for my children and the animals no longer produce milk, they are weak. Our hope is the truck that brings water” says Ewoi, a resident at Nanaam village.

Clean and safe water is essential for human survival. The impending drought in Turkana has negatively impacted on the life and health of families in most communities. The situation is desperate. People walk long distances in search of food, water and pasture.

The severe scarcity of water has led to the use of contaminated water and poor hygiene practices resulting to outbreak of water-borne diseases.

With dried water pans and barren agricultural fields, the land remains dusty. Water is a big challenge; the only hope in these communities is the water truck. Women and children look forward to getting water to sustain them for a few more days.

The drought has taken a toll on families. Many children are forced to travel distances in search of water and food hence there is a low turnout in schools.

“We walk so far away to find water and sometimes we end up with nothing. There are times we don’t go back home because we are tired” says Ekai, a young boy who lives in Nokitip village.

To respond to this crisis, LWF through Act Appeal and the County Government has provided safe and clean water to 1,281 households in 8 villages.

The use of water trucking to provide communities with safe and clean water has reduced the distance families travel to get access to water. The water is treated and ready for use, this is a temporary relief to people like Ewoi.

LWF has joined Public Health Officers in promoting proper sanitation and hygiene at household levels.  Community sensitization forums have played a vital role in promoting safe hygiene practices to reduce the spread of water-borne diseases.

In collaboration with partners, LWF looks forward to establishing more sustainable water supply solutions.